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Bitcoin Mining
To Generate new coins and verify new Transactions
We have invested in Bitcoin Mining with Hardwares, We are planning to go Cloud soon. Bitcoin Mining is the Process of Creating new Bitcoins by solving extremely complicated math problems that verify transactions in the currency. When a Bitcoin is successfully mined, the miner receives a predetermined amount of Bitcoin.
Taanii Global Entertainment
Entertainment ECOSYSTEM in Blockchain NFT with an Ecosystem, We are Promoting the Entertainment Industry with our NFT which is the Entry to the Metaverse. We have LAUNCHED our Bitpaper on our Website. Link: .
Property Investment
Invested in Properties
An investment property refers to a real estate property acquired to obtain a return on the investment by rental income, the property's potential resale, or both
Process of Establishing a pattern of behaviour.
We guarantee to bring your Dreams to Reality. We have Our RIT Team to Support People with Innovative Ideas and Smart Proposals to achieve their Goals,...
Dubai Tourism-Dream Desitination(Trip for refreshing our soul)
Tourism is a trip for refreshing our soul, Traveling is a journey of almost everyone. . The imprint of the journey is a memory.
3D Printing Coming soon!
A Process of making three dimensional solid objects from a digital file
3D printing or additive manufacturing is a process of making three dimensional solid objects from a digital file.
NFT-in Fashion IndustryComing soon!
Non-Fungible Token
Linking NFT with Physical Garments and adding value to the Garments. We will Launch the NFT Linked with Garments with Limited Edition. .
NFT-in Real EstateComing soon!
Non-Fungible Token
NFTs can be used to represent ownership of real-world property. ..
Cloud KitchenComing soon!
A commercial kitchen space
A Cloud Kitchen—is a commercial kitchen space that provides food businesses the facilities and services needed to prepare menu items for delivery and takeout. Unlike traditional brick-and-mortar locations, cloud kitchens allow food businesses to create and deliver food products with minimal overhead. .
Learn the foundations of blockchain and how blockchain technology works
Blockchain is a shared, immutable ledger that facilitates the process of recording transactions and tracking assets in a business network. An asset can be tangible (a house, car, cash, land) or intangible (intellectual property, patents, copyrights, branding).

Bitcoin Mining
Bitcoin mining is the process by which Bitcoin transactions are validated digitally on the Bitcoin network and added to the blockchain ledger. It is done by solving complex cryptographic hash puzzles to verify blocks of transactions that are updated on the decentralized blockchain ledger..
Bitcoin mining is a highly complex computing process that uses complicated computer code to create a secure cryptographic system. Similar to the secret codes used by governments and spies, the cryptography used for mining generates bitcoin, facilitates bitcoin transactions, and tracks asset ownership of the cryptocurrency. Bitcoin mining supports the bitcoin database, which is called the blockchain. By verifying transactions, miners help maintain the blockchain with accurate information about transaction history and the balances bitcoin users have. Maintaining the blockchain also helps prevent fraudulent transactions and activity, such as someone trying to transfer bitcoin they don't own..
Unlike gold miners, bitcoin miners are not people with picks and shovels, but rather owners of sophisticated computing equipment. Bitcoin miners compete to be the first to verify Bitcoin transactions and earn rewards paid in bitcoin. While anyone can mine bitcoin, because of the required computing power and energy usage, it’s tough to profit from bitcoin mining..
How Does Bitcoin Mining Work?
Bitcoin miners need to first invest in computer equipment that is specialized for mining, and typically require access to a low-cost energy source. Bitcoin transactions that need to be verified are parceled together in what is called a "block." Blocks put together in an order create the blockchain, much like links of any chain. The difference here is that each block carries information about where bitcoin is coming from and where it's going to in a transaction. Therefore, integrity and verification of each block prior to and after is as important as the verification of any given block. Each block comes with a set of cryptographic rules (complicated mathematical functions) called a hash that miners must work to verify. These rules also make it very hard for anyone to manipulate or fraudulently add or remove blocks from the blockchain
How much bandwidth does bitcoin mining use?
To mine for bitcoin, you’ll want to use a high-speed broadband internet connection. Once your rig is up and running, total data uploads and downloads are typically minimal because your mining rig can solve complex math equations without using much data. You need a connection with minimum upload speeds of at least 50 kilobytes per second for successful bitcoin mining

Taanii Global Entertainment
What is Taanii Global Entertainment..?
Entertainment ECOSYSTEM in Blockchain NFT with an Ecosystem, We are Promoting the Entertainment Industry with our NFT which is the Entry to the Metaverse. We have LAUNCHED our Bitpaper on our Website. Link: .

Property Investment
Invested in Properties
What is Investment Property?
An investment property refers to a real estate property acquired to obtain a return on the investment by rental income, the property's potential resale, or both. The property may be owned by an individual investor, an investment company, or a corporation.
An investment property can be a long-term or short-term investment endeavour. With the latter, investors often engage in flipping, where real estate is purchased, remodelled or renovated, and sold within a short timeframe at a profit.
The term investment property can also be used to describe other properties acquired by an investor in the hopes of future appreciation, such as art, shares, ground, or other collectables..
Investment Properties Explained
Assets for investment are those that are not used as a primary residence. They produce some revenue, such as dividends, interest, rentals, or even royalties. These fall beyond the scope of the normal line of business of the property owner. The way an investment property is used affects its value significantly. Often investors perform studies to determine the best use of land and the most lucrative. It is also called the highest and best use of the land. Suppose an investment property is zoned for commercial as well as residential use. The investor can consider the pros and cons of both before he figures out which has the highest potential return rate. He then makes use of the property in that way. An investment property is frequently termed a second home. But the two do not necessarily have the same meaning. For instance, a family may buy a cottage or other holiday property for their use or someone with a self-owned house in the city may buy a second property in the country as a weekend retreat. In such cases, the second property is for personal use, not as an acceptable income property.
Residential: *Rental homes are a common way in which investors can add to their profits. An investor who buys a residential property and rents it to tenants will receive monthly rentals. It may include single-family homes, condominiums, condos, townhouses, or other residential structures.
Types of Investment Properties
Properties which generate income do not always have to be residential. Some investors, especially corporations, buy commercial properties that are explicitly used for business purposes.Mixed-use:
A mixed-use property can be used for both industrial and residential purposes simultaneously..
Process of Establishing a pattern of behaviour.
What is Reinforcement..?
We guarantee to bring your Dreams to Reality. We have Our RIT Team to Support People with Innovative Ideas and Smart Proposals to achieve their Goals,...
In behavioral psychology, reinforcement is a consequence applied that will strengthen an organism's future behavior whenever that behavior is preceded by a specific antecedent stimulus. This strengthening effect may be measured as a higher frequency of behavior, longer duration, greater magnitude, or shorter latency

Tourism (
Dubai Tourism-Dream Desitination(Trip for refreshing our soul)
What is Njoyee Tourism..?
Tourism is a social, cultural and economic phenomenon which entails the movement of people to countries or places outside their usual environment for personal or business/professional purposes.
Tourism is a trip for refreshing our soul, Traveling is a journey of almost everyone. Traveling gives us the opportunity to delight new foods, new environments and we get an opportunity to live different cultures. The imprint of the journey is a memory.

3D Printing
A Process of making three dimensional solid objects from a digital file
What is 3D Printing..?
3D printing or additive manufacturing is a process of making three dimensional solid objects from a digital file. The creation of a 3D printed object is achieved using additive processes. In an additive process an object is created by laying down successive layers of material until the object is created. Each of these layers can be seen as a thinly sliced cross-section of the object. 3D printing is the opposite of subtractive manufacturing which is cutting out / hollowing out a piece of metal or plastic with for instance a milling machine. 3D printing enables you to produce complex shapes using less material than traditional manufacturing methods.
How Does 3D Printing Work?
It all starts with a 3D model. You can opt to create one from the ground up or download it from a 3D library.
Slicing: From printable file to 3D Printer
Slicing basically means slicing up a 3D model into hundreds or thousands of layers and is done with slicing software. When your file is sliced, it’s ready for your 3D printer. Feeding the file to your printer can be done via USB, SD or Wi-Fi. Your sliced file is now ready to be 3D printed layer by layer.
Examples of 3D Printing
3D printing encompasses many forms of technologies and materials as 3D printing is being used in almost all industries you could think of. It’s important to see it as a cluster of diverse industries with a myriad of different applications. A few examples: – consumer products (eyewear, footwear, design, furniture) – industrial products (manufacturing tools, prototypes, functional end-use parts) – dental products – prosthetics – architectural scale models & maquettes – reconstructing fossils – replicating ancient artefacts – reconstructing evidence in forensic pathology – movie props

NFTs in the fashion industry
Non-Fungible Token
What is NFT-In Fashion..?
Not a week goes by without a series of fashion brands proudly announcing their entrance into the world of NFTs. “Non-fungible tokens"’ technicality tends to cause confusion and raises questions about their concrete contribution to fashion companies. examines NFTs’ three main types of possible uses (authentication, marketing and virtual fashion).
NFTs in marketing and communications
The NFT token could also be converted into a key to access exclusive features and benefits. This approach was adopted by Paris Fashion Week last summer, when buyers, journalists and influencers received "utility NFTs" giving them access to exclusive augmented reality presentations. Beyond the fashion shows, giving NFTs to a brand's client roster can be a powerful marketing tool for capsule collection or store opening events.
One of the most relevant applications of NFTs is its ability to tie itself to a physical product offered by a brand. The token becomes the embodiment of the product in the digital world, including luxury items, rare sneakers, or watches.
The virtual world and the metaverse

Perhaps the most unsettling function of these tokens is digital fashion. In both cases previously mentioned, NFTs are intended to be a bridge between the physical and virtual worlds. But it can also be solely virtual through the purchase of unique or limited digital creations, selling them in virtual stores located in the now famously coined "metaverse". These virtual universes resemble video games, where the user can own a personalized home or land and wander around to meet their peers. All of this is done through an avatar, which comes "naked" for the purpose of being eventually dressed up according to one's taste in the future.,

NFT-In Real Estate
Non-Fungible Token
What is NFT-In Real Estate..?
NFTs can be used to represent ownership of real-world property. .. Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) seem to be in the news almost every day. From record-breaking prices for NFT art to NFTs used as marketing tools for popular fast-food chains, the trend seems to be catching on. As a gimmick or collectible (sometimes both), NFTs are easy to implement and execute, but it's a much bigger challenge to apply them to slow-to-change industries such as real estate. In the past year, experimental uses of NFTs have been popping up in the industry. Everything from building projects to lending are being tested as NFTs by various companies looking to improve processes and speed real estate transactions that can often be complicated by the many layers of document verification involved.
NFTs in the real estate industry
NFTs are nothing more than unique digital titles (tokens) to property, either real or virtual, that are stored on a blockchain ledger. Theoretically, this reduces the risk of harm due to fraud and improves the ability of an owner to prove that they do, in fact, own a thing. But, when it comes to real estate, it's a lot more complex. There are two types of tokenization involved in real estate: entire asset (EA) and fractional ownership (FO). FO tokenization is fairly simple. It's similar to a crowdfunding platform or other similar structure that allows investors to buy shares. Each fractional owner holds a number of tokens that represents shares in the project, depending on how the investment is structured. FO tokenization is already being used in limited cases in the real estate industry. EA tokenization, on the other hand, cannot work unless the actual property deed is turned into an NFT. This is still incredibly difficult to accomplish due to the regulatory environment surrounding real estate investments, although steps continue to be taken to move the ball down the field. Ultimately, there has to be a new asset class created for an EA token to exist for a real estate deed. FO tokenization is much easier since corporations that hold real estate assets are readily tokenized and distributed by NFT tokens, which is a type of security just like a stock share. And, like a stock share, NFT tokens are meant to be registered with the SEC.
How do real estate NFTs work?
Real estate NFTs work just like any other NFT. They're purchased using a cryptocurrency of the seller's choosing, held in a digital wallet, and, if speculative, are sold again for a profit to a buyer with the right amount of money. Investments held as FO tokens behave more like stocks in that they represent a share of a real estate project rather than a single real or virtual item. Profits are paid like any other kind of share-based investment since ownership is just a share of a business. For example, if you had one of 10 tokens of a real estate company that invests in apartment buildings, you'd be sent a check at the end of an earnings cycle that represents 10% of the net profit (unless you had a different agreement in place). As with all NFTs and shares, you have the right to severability, meaning you can usually sell those tokens anytime you like. Some crowdfunding platforms for real estate investments require you to hold your shares for a certain period of time, and NFT-backed platforms will also likely have a minimum hold time as they become more popular.

Cloud Kitchen
A commercial kitchen space
What Is A Cloud Kitchen?
A Cloud Kitchen—is a commercial kitchen space that provides food businesses the facilities and services needed to prepare menu items for delivery and takeout. Unlike traditional brick-and-mortar locations, cloud kitchens allow food businesses to create and deliver food products with minimal overhead. .
A cloud kitchen—also referred to as a “ghost kitchen” or “virtual kitchen”—is a commercial kitchen space that provides food businesses the facilities and services needed to prepare menu items for delivery and takeout. Unlike traditional brick-and-mortar locations, cloud kitchens allow food businesses to create and deliver food products with minimal overhead. Recent data indicates that meal delivery orders increased by more than 150% from 2019 to 2020—and UBS anticipates the food delivery market to increase more than 10x over a ten-year period from $35 billion per year to $365 billion. More and more restaurant owners and food entrepreneurs are turning to cloud kitchens as an ideal business solution to capture this increase in food delivery demand. Curious about cloud kitchens and want to find out more? The below guide provides an overview of cloud kitchens and the growing list of reasons to make cloud kitchens a part of your business’s growth strategy.
How Do I Start A Cloud Kitchen?
Cloud kitchens save your food business time, money, and hassle. The process for securing your cloud kitchen rental varies by each cloud kitchen provider. At Revolving Kitchen we make the steps quick and easy. To begin, contact Revolving Kitchen at (972) 440-5908 or by using our convenient contact form. We will learn more about: Your Business: We care deeply about your food product and business goals. Tell us a bit about your restaurant or food business so we can better serve you! Your Preferences: Revolving Kitchen features a range of kitchen sizes and configurations to perfectly accommodate your operations. Your Questions: We’re here to help you get started as easily as possible! We will then set up a tour for your business team. After all—we love showing off our brand new and fully-equipped kitchen units and modern amenities.
Who Uses Cloud Kitchens?
Beloved local restaurants to name-brand national chains—are quickly turning to cloud kitchens as the ideal solution to expand their business. Here are a few business types that are incorporating ghost kitchens into their growth strategy. Delivery-Optimized Restaurants: Delivery-optimized cloud kitchens allow you to accommodate orders without added overhead or hassle. Cloud kitchen-based restaurants use online food delivery platforms (e.g. DoorDash, Postmates and UberEats) or their own white-label platform to source orders and facilitate delivery logistics. Consumers then order through mobile devices and have food delivered to their home or office. Caterers: Own a catering company and need a private kitchen and plenty of cold and dry storage without breaking the bank? Cloud kitchens are an ideal solution. Meal Prep Companies: Meal prep companies often need kitchen space for only a few days a week. Virtual kitchens can provide you this flexibility. Packaged Food Producers: Cloud kitchens can provide ample warehouse space and equipment for packaged food producers to scale. Food Product Testing: A cloud kitchen is a low-risk, low-capital solution that allows your company to market test new food products and brand concepts.

Learn the foundations of blockchain and how blockchain technology works
Blockchain is a shared, immutable ledger that facilitates the process of recording transactions and tracking assets in a business network. An asset can be tangible (a house, car, cash, land) or intangible (intellectual property, patents, copyrights, branding).
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