
Item support policy

Our support is limited only to those who have purchased our item. Please check the item support policy on the Terms & Conditions page to know all about the item support.

Before submitting the ticket
  1. Make sure that you are running the latest version of the item/template. Download the latest version from the My Account page.
  2. Make sure that you deeply checked the item/theme Documentation, FAQs, and Article sections as we cover almost all basic usage and customization-related queries.
  3. Still, if you don’t find the answer you are looking for then feel free to submit a ticket/issue.
While submitting the ticket

We use GitHub issues as support tickets to manage item support. Please don’t use our email for support purposes as the core development team does not handle emails.

  1. In order to raise the GitHub issue, you must have item/product’s repository access. Get repo access from here
  2. Make sure you use our Raise Support form to create an issue.
After submitting the ticket
  1. Normally, we will get back to customers in 24-48 hours on business days.
  2. The older tickets will be the first priority. So after you create the ticket, if possible, please do not reply to the ticket if our team hasn’t replied to you yet because it will update your ticket response date sooner and the priority will be lower. This might cause a delay in replying.
Looking for a theme customization service?

Please note that installation, customization, and deployment are not included in our support scope. If you are looking for a customization service, please use our Contact Us form and provide detailed information about your requirement.

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